YALI Network "yalin.mailer@state.org"
répondre à: yalin.mailer@state.gov
Recently, the Ebola virus resurfaced in MBANDAKA City, and while an emergency has not been declared, prevention is key to keep the disease from spreading. As a_YALICARES participant, you know that you are part of the solution by understanding the signs and symptoms and sharing only accurate information from reliable sources. Today, we are asking you do educate yourself and then pass this information along to others to help stop spread of EBOLA.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) websites offer valuable ressources and information about Ebola and how to prevent it. According to the CDC, here are the four ways to protect yourself.
1. Practice good hygiène;
2. Avoid contact with bodily fluid of infected persons;
3. Don't handle the body of an Ebola fatality;
4. Avoir contact with nonhuman primates and bats, their meat and their bodily
fluids. Ebola is not spread by air or water, but it can spread through direct
contact with objects that have been contaminated with the virus such as,
blankets, linens, utensils, ect.
anyone who is sick with EBOLA can spread the virus. If someone you knoc exhibits the symptoms of EBOLA, they should be quarantined at a health facility to receive proper treatment and to avoid the spread of the disease. Learn more and share this graphic about how to stop EBOLA outbreaks.
Stay safe!
By Jen and the Yali Network Team
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YALI Network "yalin.mailer@state.org" répondre à: yalin.mailer@state.gov à: VOUS TOUS Dear Recently, the Ebola virus resurfa...
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